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30 Days to More Calm
Here's what you'll get...
DO FIRST: Complete the Intake Questionnaire
Please join the private Facebook Group
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Module 0: Let's Get Started!
Here's what you'll get... (2:30)
Additional Resources for Module 0
Start Here: Welcome! (2:06)
Do FIRST: Complete the Intake Questionnaire
Join the private Facebook Group
Your journal practice
Create your meditation space
How to Choose Your Guided Meditation podcasts
Get support if you have a question
Collect your Certificate of Completion
Course Referral Program-Earn while you learn
Your Commitment to Your Practice (1:23)
Do LAST: Module 0 Checklist
Module 1: What is Mindfulness?
Here's what you get... (1:00)
Additional Resources for Module 1
Begin with a 5-minute Meditation to ground in the present (8:32)
Watch this 15-minute video, “What is Mindfulness and How it Helps You” or, listen to the audio file. (15:10)
Experience a 15-minute Guided Meditation on Mindfulness (14:09)
After your meditation, pause for Inner Work
Experience a 5-minute loving-kindness guided meditation
Module 1 Homework
Checklist for Module 1, before you advance to Module 2
Module 2: Mindfulness, Breathing and Anchors for Awareness
Here's what you get from this module... (0:44)
Additional resources for Module 2
Begin with a 5-minute grounding meditation
Watch a 15-minute video on What is Mindfulness of the Breath and a Meditation Anchor Talk (17:45)
Experience a 15-minute Mindfulness of the Breath Meditation
After your meditation, pause for Inner Work
Experience a 5-minute self-compassion meditation
Module 2 Homework (1:01)
Checklist for Module 2, before you advance to Module 3
Module 3: How Body Awareness Helps You
Here's what you'll get from this module... (1:26)
Additional Resources for Module 3
Begin with a 5-minute sensory awareness meditation
Watch a 20 minute Video on What is Mindfulness of the Body (20:18)
Experience a 15-minute Guided Body Scan Meditation
After the meditation, pause for Inner Work
Experience a 5-Minute Guided Smiling Meditation (8:46)
Module 3 Homework
Checklist for Module 3, before you advance to Module 4
Module 4: Understanding Self-Compassion and Loving-Kindness Practice
Here's what you'll get from this module... (0:49)
Additional Resources for Module 4
Experience a 5-minute Grounding Meditation
Watch a 17-minute video on "What is Self-Compassion?" (16:47)
Watch a 15-Minute Guided Meditation "Loving-Kindness for a Loved One and Yourself"
After the meditation, pause for Inner Work
Experience a 5-minute Guided Meditation
Module 4 Homework
Checklist for Module 4, before you complete the course (1:38)
What's my next step?
Course Evaluation Survey
"Earn while you Learn" Referral Program
Claim your printed certificate of completion!
Additional Resources for Module 1
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